Our Daily Bread–what is it made of?

Last week I woke up worrying about some potential health issues that were suggested months ago in a routine blood test.  At worst the possibilities (still undiagnosed) included a hereditary disorder that was manageable (unless the disease process had gone too far.)  At best the situation was a major irritant in that every doctor’s visit …

We’re all the same. Or are we?

I told someone the other day that we humans are basically the same—that we share the same basic needs; want the same things.  This person indulged in a good long sigh and said, “Man, that’s a good theory, but it’s awfully hard to believe it when you see how hard we fight each other in defense …

Religion does not contain God

Sometimes I think we’ve got it backwards.  We think religion—yours, mine and ours—contains God, when in fact it’s the reverse.  God is infinitely larger than any religion could ever be, no matter how dogmatic or grandiose. God is the infinite structure within which every religion is contained.  Within which life itself is contained.  If we …

Can’t stop thinking about the Gulf

My friend, Leslie, and I are sipping morning coffee on a bench near my patio overlooking the Hudson River. We are high-up in the woods of the Palisades, looking down.  It is a spectacular scene.  The river is straddled by the city on its east bank and the mighty Palisades on the western, Jersey side. …

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